What is Integrated Marketing?


Using successful marketing services can help promote your business to the widest audience possible; even doubling your current market. You should align all marketing tactics to advertise one clear message, using a consistent tone of voice through all posts. 

But what exactly is integrated marketing? And how can it help your business grow and expand? Here is a helpful guide to get to know the basics.

Integrated Marketing

Integrated marketing incorporates various forms of media to show a narrative or a specific idea you want to tell your target audience. Successful integrated marketing services should fully engage with audiences, delivering the same message on every platform.

There are many benefits to this:

  • Improves customer experience
  • Reduces marketing costs
  • No need for paid advertisements

For a successful integrated marketing campaign, you should consider combining a variety of platforms, including Youtube, Facebook and Instagram to name but a few. Through this, you should publish the same content and assets but change them for the specific channel.

You should first decide what your company’s goals and set of values are. What makes you tick. And what makes you stand out. Having a strong understanding of this can help you with what content you post. It can influence your marketing campaign and the message you send to your customers. 

Why is it Important?

At the end of 2021, the active number of social media users is 57.6% worldwide. It means, by implementing successful online marketing services, you can have the chance to reach over half of the world. From this, you can target it to your specific demographic; whether it be gender, age or location.

Integrated marketing campaigns use every form of media surrounding your business to portray your company’s message. Just remember to coordinate each platform so they flow smoothly together. This is multichannel marketing, involving narrative structures, characters and creative writing. For more information on how to use creative writing in marketing, check out our previous article.

Make it Consistent

All marketing components should showcase the same look throughout all posts on platforms. They should recognisably be your company’s, so when your audience is scrolling, they instinctively know it’s you. A good idea is to create a style guide for all posts to follow. This can include the typography used, a colour palette and the format of the post. It means no matter who writes the actual content, it will fit in with the company’s history.

On Humana’s social feed, we include our logo on every post, making sure the same font is used for the specific content. It is important as it continues to help your brand identity and make your content identifiably yours. Make sure, no matter what platform, you have a similar feel and tone. Don’t make your post on Facebook formal if all your other content has a friendly and conversational style. As the heading suggests, make it consistent!

Why Use a Digital Marketing Agency?

It is important to have successful online marketing services, making sure your content reaches the widest demographic possible for your business. However, this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to find a marketing strategy that works for your business and the process needs monitoring, specifically in terms of SEO.

But who has the time? If your business doesn’t have a dedicated marketing team, with content writers who fully know how to gain traffic, it might be worth looking elsewhere. Hiring a digital marketing agency allows you to focus on other parts of the business, knowing that someone is taking care of your online brand persona.

Here at Humana, we offer a range of marketing resources to help improve and support businesses. Our services span various fields, including advertising, social media management and content creation; planning the best local SEO services to gain organic traffic.

If you’re interested in any of these services, fill out our online contact form and a member of our team will be in touch on how we can help your business. For daily tips and helpful guides, follow our social feed on LinkedIn or Instagram.